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Bethenny Frankel’s Second Act as a Disaster Relief Expert

Since the dawn of civilized societies, there have been those who have more fame and fortune than the average person. Many of these individuals choose to donate their time and/or money to increase the betterment of society. Some write checks, some build houses, and others create nonprofits that focus on a particular cause or issue. 

Photo Courtesy: GEM

Bethenny Frankel, entrepreneur and reality TV star, has used her position and connections to launch the nonprofit BStrong.

Frankel and her BStrong team have worked tirelessly to provide aid directly to the victims of some of the most damaging disasters worldwide. Currently, their efforts have been focused on helping displaced Ukrainian civilians.

Frankel reflected on how her organization looks to distribute aid as quickly and efficiently as possible in the event of widespread devastation in an interview with Newsweek. “You have to do it like it’s a military operation,” she said, referencing BStrong’s recent work to assist the Louisiana residents who were caught in Hurricane Ida. “You have to know that you can get in, that it’ll be safe, and have the right people doing it. We have former Green Berets helping people put roofs on their houses.”

Photo Courtesy: GEM

BStrong followed a similar game plan for each crisis, including the tornadoes in Kentucky and the devastating earthquake in Haiti. The organization has gained enough momentum to warrant a warehouse in Miami, where it stays stocked full of disaster kits containing food and survival equipment. This allows the organization to remain prepared and ready to act the instant a storm breaks. “We’re always ready to go ahead of time, and when we can predict these storms, we can be ready to run and gun,” said Frankel, comparing the setup to a Costco in terms of organization. 

To say BStrong’s impact has been impressive would be an understatement. The organization was founded on a $300,000 donation five years ago when Hurricane Harvey cleanup was at the forefront of media attention. Since then, BStrong has amassed more than $110 million in donations for disaster relief worldwide.


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